Graduation of Université Paris Saclay

On April 12, 2023, the Graduation Ceremony of the Masters of the Graduate School of Law of the University of Paris-Saclay will take place. This ceremony will celebrate the students of the class of 2021-2022. It will be sponsored by a personality of the legal world and will be followed by a cocktail. During the … Read more

SOFCEP congress

The Palais will host the 35th sofcep congress which will take place from June 1st to 3rd 2023. The theme will be: “Cosmetic surgery, from tradition to modernity”. During this congress, all techniques of plastic and aesthetic surgery will be discussed, including all topics related to body contouring, post-bariatric surgery, surgical and non-surgical facial rejuvenation, … Read more

JIRP congress

From March 23 to 24, the congress center will host the Journées Interactives de réalités Pédiatriques. Various topics will be presented during these 2 days:

Laura Laune – Glory Alleluia

After a triumphant first tour of more than 500 sold-out performances, Laura Laune is back on stage with a new show that is more eagerly awaited than ever. An assumed darkness, a powerful writing style, a trashy and limitless universe: the reputation of the dark humor angel is well established. Against a backdrop of denunciation … Read more

Stephan Eicher – Autour de ton cou

Stephan Eicher is back with a new EP of four tracks gathered under the title “Autour de ton cou”. This first series of tracks will be followed by others, more rock, soul or electro, that the artist will release over the months. Buy tickets!

Marc Lavoine – Adulte Jamais

Adulte Jamais est le quatorzième album de Marc Lavoine, si l’on compte Les souliers rouges, un conte musical créé en 2016 avec Arthur H et Cœur de Pirate. Hybride et élégant, Adulte Jamais doit beaucoup à la scène, lieu de croisements intenses. Il dénonce les fausses certitudes du monde des grands, il examine aussi la … Read more