La Maison des Travaux

La Maison Des Travaux has been a leader in the works brokerage sector for 16 years, and every year it brings together its 190 franchisees for a National Convention.This is an opportunity to look back at the network’s highlights and unveil the new tools developed and structural projects planned for the year. Web site:

T r a d u c t i o n – I n t e r p r é t a t i o n – F o r m a t i o n F M C

Training on “The role of the translator/interpreter in the trial court (expectations, importance, independence, skills, qualities, requirements, oral proceedings)By Mr Rémi CROSSON DU CORMIER, First Advocate General of the Assize Court ofParis and head of departmentand“La Boîte à outils de l’Expert traducteur/interprète à l’âge du numérique” (The expert translator/interpreter’s toolbox in the digital age)(dematerialisation, mastery … Read more

Congress ABDU

ADBU is the French association of university library and documentation directors and management staff. 850 MEMBERS REPRESENTING OVER 100 UNIVERSITIES AND ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS. It is organizing its annual congress from September 27 to 29, 2023 at the Palais des Congrès de Versailles.

18th National Hospital-University Conference

Every two years, the three Conférences représentatives des centers hospitaliers universitaires (deans of medical schools, general managers and CME presidents) organize their Assises to put forward their proposals and analysis of current developments in university hospitals to the general public and public authorities.

«MIP Meetings 2023»

The 2023 edition of the PMI (Project Management Institute) Meetings on Project Management and Entrepreneurship will take place on Thursday 30 November and Friday 1 December 2023 at the Palais de Congrès in Versailles. The theme: Action for tomorrow Responding to societal and environmental challenges to address our challenges and support our transformation towards a … Read more


COVERTRAMP, the SUPERTRAMP tribute is endorsed by Roger Hodgson and John Helliwell (Ex-Supertramp). It is reputed to be one of the best SUPERTRAMP tributes in the world!Performing all over France, the band is composed of 6 multi-instrumentalist musicians who reproduce without imitating SUPERTRAMP’s music : to the note, 100% live and in the same tonalities … Read more


It all begins with the story of a man who wakes up alone on a train in the middle of the night.night. In the window he sees his reflection but the face is not his own. He then plunges intoa fantastic world where behind the appearances hide other appearances… In his new one-man show, Viktor … Read more